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? I Love Aloe Vera Gel!

Hey everyone! It's nice to see that more and more people are looking at my blog! :)

Just wanted to post about Aloe Vera Gel and the multiple benefits it has for us to take advantage from!

First of all, did you know that Aloe Vera has no side effects at all? Usually there are natural remedies out there which can have some unpleasant turn arounds on people, however with Aloe, there's no risks to be worried about! Which means it's perfect for everyone, thankfully!

Let's talk about the 4 main reasons why I LOVE this plant!



Pack in that moisture, by picking up products that contain Aloe Vera plant extract. The plant contains more than 70 different minerals, amino acids, enzymes etc that help our body maintain a good balance of factors like moisture, growth and skin cell repairs. Try adding some extract to a shampoo or directly onto your skin/scalp for an instant glow.

Hair Growth

As we all know... a healthy scalp, means healthy hair!
This means that we should really be feeding some good nutrients into our scalp if we want luscious, long flowing hair. Things like dandruff, inflammation can cause our mane to take a bad hit. Trust me when I say this; applying Aloe Vera Gel for things like inflammation is like putting ice on a bad burn. Seriously. It feels amazingggg, it's like an instant relief! Aloe Vera has soothing and cooling properties which is most likely why people use it for scratches, burn, bruises etc. If the gel is used on the scalp, then the general health and growth of the scalp/hair will be restored and improved.

Acne cure

Now, don't under estimate me when i say this... but Aloe Vera is seriously amazing for acne. It has healing properties that help reduce the swelling of spots which stops them from appearing so red and big. Aloe Vera also dissolves the excess sebum and dirt on the skin surfact that clog our pores and cause the spots to form. So not only does it reduce the appearance, but it gets to the root problem and prevents further break outs! By using Aloe Vera, don't expect all of your spots to go away, however do expect less breakouts than often.

Scar Reduction

for anything like those scars and marks left behind from acne/burns/wounds, Aloe Vera is here to help!
Aloe Vera helps encourage skin cell regeneration, which therefore means it helps repair damaged skin cells and reduce irritations! However after using the gel on my own skin, I've realised that it's maybe not the best for scars that've been around for a while. It works for those small, pesky ones though!

My own experience with Aloe Vera Gel has been brilliant. My routine would start off in the morning after I'd rinse my face and what not. I just applied a little bit to the driest areas of my skin, then blended it all together in a circular motion. I'd re-apply during the day if my skin got reaaally dry again; but after a few days of this process it wasn't necessary :) Before going to bed, I'd put a thick-ish layer on my face and wash it off in the morning! I was so impressed when i noticed how soft my skin felt every morning, it was a pleasure to wash it and touch the silky texture my skin had become! I liked how my complexion was lighter too, my eyes looked much bigger with clear skin. I had a fab time with this product, it's especially great for the winter when our skin is in a dire need of a deep treatment. If anyone is wondering, i used this product for my daily routine, but I'm sure any gel will do! If you have the plant, then even better!

Don't hesitate to try this out guys, like I said this has NO side effects so you have nothing to lose! 
I'm hoping to post a make up haul next, i just need to get my exams out of the way first so i can make some time for taking/uploading pictures etc... 

But until then, see you all later and thanks for reading! :)

Saturday 15 February 2014
0 dropped some love ?

? You Notice EVERYTHING About Yourself

We've all been there, looking for a way to hide hair thinning/hair loss.
It's a stressful situation which isn't helped with the paranoid thoughts that people around us are noticing the scalp gaps, and maybe even making some sympathetic remarks like "omg, she/he has no hair" "I feel so bad, you can see the scalp" and all that nonsense.

Ever wondered that maybe it's just us?

When i first noticed my hairloss, my hair felt limp, dead and lifeless. It was still thick and full, in the very beginning of the disaster where only the fringe felt slightly lighter.. but i could just tell that something was very wrong. Of course my family and close friends would be quick to call me ridiculous for thinking that i was "going bald". They couldn't see anything wrong; simply because they weren't the ones who had cared, cleansed and styled the mane for the past 16 years.

 Yep, i was 16 when i suffered hair loss. It isn't easy at all, especially when you go to high school where almost no kid seems to be afraid to let their hair down and blow in the wind. Do you know that *pang* of jealousy and melancholy that im talking about? I was always paranoid about my ponytail looking thinner than normal, so i got a major haircut. I went from my waist length, to my collar bone.

I never let my hair done after that, my friends would always be like "let your head breath!"
ummm NOPE. i dont think so, if i let my hair down i was always worried that my scalp would show through, or my hair line would look too wide, Hair sits too flat etc. etc. and so on..

Anyways. I first noticed my hair fall around October 20th 2013.
It's now February 11th 2014, and my hair is continuously decreasing in density, but it has slowed down. The stage from October to December was extremely drastic. During this time i must've lost about 30/40% of my hair and was really depressed about it. Whenever i woke up, i felt sad that the weight of my hair didn't pull my head back onto the pillow. I hated the stringy strands that were left of my "hair". I hated everything. The stupid thing was, that i kept stressing out about it all (which made it worse LOL).

I'm not sure why i'm going through all this. My sister went through it too, at the same age too! Is it stress? Allergies? Genetics? I have no idea. Doctors say that everything is fine after conducting about 4 blood tests lool.. Although they suspect it's due to stress since i'm studying for exams right now. And maybe it is stress? I have been through a bit recently. Said goodbye to my awesome friend who went to the army and im struggling with keeping my mind straight when i study. I'm healing though, and thats what this whole process is about :)

Today i feel much better though. The falling has seemed to decrease a lot, which i must say that is because of my hair care routine. If i didn't start at soon as i noticed the hairfall back in October, i might have been even worse right now.. which i simply CANT imagine!

The sooner we come to terms with the problem, the faster we can find the solution. I believe that everyone has a chance at finding their own cure for their hair loss, but we first need to accept that yeah, we are LOSING HAIR. Take the shock, take it hard and then come back to reality and begin your search. I am conducting a few experiments with natural remedies and for most i've gotten positive results. Join me in my journey fighting through this darkness (cringE sorry), i'd love to help people out there and encourage you to try my methods. Im gonna post throughout here about how we can all feel fabulous, happy and beautiful by tackling the monster called hair loss!

Happy Fighting!!!

Monday 10 February 2014
0 dropped some love ?

? Skin Hair Nails

This a page where anyone, of any age, gender and country can visit to find out more about how they can help improve the condition of their appearance. I'm a victim of many problems that can be classified as well.. soul destroying really. But there are sooooo many remedies out there that work really well, yet not a lot of us know about it. It's my goal to help people recognise the benefits of all these extremely helpful methods. Look out for these in the upcoming posts :) x

Wednesday 22 January 2014
0 dropped some love ?

? D I S C L A I M E R

???? ?? !

Welcome to my blog!

? W E B M I S T R E S S

? Name Nabo Rai
? DOB July 15
? Zodiac Cancer

im a DORKY Asian.
i have a thing for learning new languages, and playing mmorpg's. >.<
My favourite make up brand is Etude house and Skinfood from Korea. Also, i loves shopping, blogging, tweeting, pink, sky blue, bunny, panda, and etc.

KPOP is my addictive drug. saranghae Eunhyuk, Hyunjoong, ???, and also brighter than mushrooms, tippany

? T A G B O A R D

? B L O G A R C H I V E S

? I Love Aloe Vera Gel!
? You Notice EVERYTHING About Yourself
? Skin Hair Nails

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